Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What the UBOT Heard: Shift Change by Seniority

This is the presentation I made to the UBOT, March 29, 2010:

It has been established as fact that the last time a shift change took place at the University of South Florida in early May 2009, the affected custodians were selected by a random process. Their manager wrote the names of the 45 day shift custodians on the backs of his business cards. He then placed the cards on a table top, shuffled them around, picked up 18 of them, and called out the names on those cards to his assistant.

Not a single one of the allegedly crucial qualifications listed in management’s argument was taken into consideration during this shift change.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

AFSCME Lobby Day 2010

Please take the time to thank Regina Gainey, Indrea Pope and Pam Wilson next time you see them in the Registrar's Office.  They are the courageous women from USF's Tampa campus who joined me for an action-packed, 23-hour trip to Tallahassee for AFSCME Lobby Day on Tuesday, March 16.

 L-R:  Susie, Pam, Indrea & Regina

After an overnight bus trip best left undescribed, we four USFers met with approximately 250 AFSCME members and supporters over an impressive 7 am buffet breakfast where we learned about the issues to be addressed that day, received a crash course in lobbying and picked up our t-shirts and loaded canvas bags.  The assembled activists then broke up into groups each advocating for issues of concern in their particular workplaces, be they State offices, Juvenile Justice Offices, Hospitals, School Boards, or State Universities.  Another large group, comprised of the myriad of other public employees from around the state, would spend the day fighting legislative assaults on the Florida Retirement System on behalf of us all ( see:  http://www.afscme.ourusf.org/2010retirementsheet.pdf) .